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Inquest touching upon the death of Soldier Jayne Hill

Imran Khan and Partners Solicitors acted for Ms Julie Hill in Inquest proceedings at the Reading Coroner’s Court on 08-09 June 2023, touching upon the death of her 19 year old daughter Jayne Hill.

Jayne was a Sapper in the Royal Engineers, stationed at the Denison Barracks in Thatcham, Berkshire.

On the evening of 18 September 2021, she was out with army colleagues in a local bar. She went outside the bar with an unknown civilian male for about 40 minutes and after that was found disorientated and confused. Jayne told the barmaid she thought she had been spiked.

Her army colleague and the barmaid took her back to her barracks. She was taken through the guardroom, and it is believed she was then taken to her room and left there by her colleague. She was heard crying at 2.30am.

No army colleagues appeared to have reported the potential spiking either to the guardroom, to the medical staff or to the police.

Jayne was found dead in her room the following afternoon, hanging from ligature.

The Coroner concluded that the cause of Jayne’s death was suicide. The Coroner found that by using ligature and due to her suffering a recent bereavement, on the balance of probability she intended to commit suicide.

For further reporting on this story please see:

Daniel Lemberger Cooper acts for the family and can be contacted on


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