On 6 May 2020, 17 year-old Matthew Mackell called Kent Police for help before taking his own life in Dunorlan Park, Kent. No patrol was sent out to Matthew’s location. He was found by a member of the public the following morning. Matthew left behind two brothers and his father, Michael Bond.
Matthew excelled in school but struggled with the isolating effects of the pandemic. Matthew would have turned 18 years-old on 13 April 2021. With the anniversary of his death this week, we, the family, are still searching for answers.
Matthew’s father, Michael Bond, stated “My son would have turned been 18 recently. No family should ever have to suffer the loss of their child, knowing that they called for help and no one came.
We continue to grieve the tragic loss of Matthew’s life. He was kind, he was smart and we love and miss him dearly.
No family should suffer the pain and anguish that we feel. That is why we are engaging in the Inquest process set to investigate the circumstances surrounding Matthew’s death”.
Solicitor for the family, Daniel Cooper, from Imran Khan and Partners, stated “We will examine in detail the actions of the Kent police on the night of Matthew’s death to find out whether anything could have been done to save Matthew’s life and to provide the family with the answers that they deserve.”
We are grateful to those who have extended their kindness and support during this difficult time.
Please contact Daniel Cooper, solicitor, on DanielC@ikpsolicitors.com and 0207 404 3004 for further information