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Release of UCPI Interim Report & Statement of Baroness Lawrence

Updated: Oct 17, 2024

The Chair of the Undercover Policing Inquiry, Sir John Mitting, has today (29 June 2023) published the Inquiry’s Tranche 1 interim report. It marks an important milestone in the Inquiry’s mission to get to the truth of undercover policing as set out in its Terms of Reference.

Imran Khan and Partners are instructed by Core Participants in the Inquiry.

Baroness Lawrence, a Core Participant, in her personal capacity, makes the following statement in response to the Undercover Policing Inquiry Interim Report Tranche 1.

Baroness Lawrence stated:

When Peter Francis, a former undercover police officer, revealed that my family and the campaign that we ran for justice for Stephen was targeted I had not considered how widespread this illegal activity was. I am only now beginning to come to terms with this finding and trying hard to work out what a grieving mother fighting for justice could have done to deserve such horrendous treatment. Sir John Mitting’s conclusion that it was completely unjustified for a police force to spy on ordinary citizens of this country is utterly shocking.

Now that Sir John Mitting has condemned undercover policing as unjustified, I now want to know who ordered the spying on me and my family? Who thought it necessary to intrude on a law abiding family fighting for justice for a member of their family? Who signed off on this unlawful practice? Given that the Home Secretary was ultimately responsible for the Metropolitan Police, I am looking to find out which Home Secretary was responsible for the spying into me”.

For further information please contact Patrick Dunne at Imran Khan & Partners Solicitors on 020 7404 3004 or


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