Imran Khan and Partners currently acts for the grandparents of Asiah Kudi, a 20 month old baby who died in December 2019 whilst residing in supported accommodation with her young mother.
From 30 September 2019, Asiah’s mother, Verphy, lived independently with her 20 month-old daughter in supported accommodation run by YMCA Downslink Group in Brighton. YMCA Downslink Group are a non-profit organisation commissioned by Brighton & Hove City Council’ (BHCC) to provide accommodation for young families requiring low to medium support
The high profile Inquest into baby Asiah’s death begins on Monday 12 June at Brighton and Hove Coroner’s Court.
The grandparents are represented by Daniel Cooper and Emma Gilbert of Imran Khan and Partners, and Jamie Burton KC of Doughty Street chambers.
For further information, please contact or 0207 404 3004