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We are required to provide price information for assistance in relation to summary only motoring offences under Part 1 of the Road Traffic Act 1988 and s89 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.


Drink driving offences


guilty plea – Fixed Fee £1500


We will charge a fixed fee of £1500 which will include attendance/preparation up to 2 hours  (considering any evidence, taking instructions and advice on sentence and representation at a single hearing at the magistrates court).


The fee does not include instruction of any expert, taking statements from any witnesses, advice and assistance in relation to a special reasons hearing, advice or assistance in relation to any appeal.  The additional costs for any of this work will vary according to the amount of work involved for example number of witnesses, type of expert and number of additional hearings.  In respect of witness statements, we will limit our costs to between an additional £250 – £500. Expert witnesses will provide a quote for their fees in advance and we will obtain up to three quotes for you.  Any special reasons hearing will be charged at between £300 - £500 and advice on any appeal will be charged an additional £250, however this will not include representation at any appeal hearing, which will be charged at £250.


The key stages of your matter are based on the presumption that you have entered a guilty plea and have a date for your hearing.


Not Guilty Plea - Fixed Fee £2500


We will charge a fixed fee of £2500 attendance and preparation (considering any evidence, taking instructions and representation at trial of half day hearing at the magistrates court).


Additional fees will be charged for taking statements from witnesses, instructing  experts, attending special reasons hearing, and for any additional hearings, as set out above.


Criminal team


You will be represented by one of the following members of our Crime team:​

  • Pratik Patel – Partner over 10 years calL

  • Ben Bansal – Partner over 13 years call


They will be assisted by a trainee or paralegal.


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